The rapid changes set afoot by COVID-19 within the construction and geotechnical industries did not stop Keller ASEAN from excelling. As the pandemic limited our physical interactions, we quickly shifted our focus and made ways for digital interactions. We maximise the use of digital platforms to keep in touch with the industry externally and to maintain our company's dynamic as a team internally.

Upholding our corporate values of Integrity, Collaboration and Excellence, Keller ASEAN commits to providing excellent service to our current clients and actively reach out and collaborate with external parties. In the past few months, Keller ASEAN has conducted trainings, lectures and webinars for different industry players and future engineers. Part of these sessions were universities such as Singapore Institute of Technology and University Malaysia Sabah. We also conducted sharing sessions for a few members of Bentley Systems, who have been providing solutions that enhance the way we do our business as well.
We pride ourselves in the experience that have been gathered throughout the years and share our achievements and lessons learned with the industry. As part of Keller Group Plc, our business aims to create infrastructures that improve the world's communities. In times like these where physical acts of bettering the community are limited, we turn to alternatives to stay relevant.

Internally, we take this unprecedented situation as an opportunity to better ourselves. We conduct regular trainings to improve the skillsets of our people and preserve our unity as one Keller ASEAN. Each country within Keller ASEAN even celebrated world safety day 2020 virtually, reminding ourselves of the importance of safety and how being united and aligned in safety principles would better our company in overall.